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Join the St. Joseph Business Guild—the local association of businesses and individuals of all stripes—for their upcoming quarterly dinner meeting!
Real change begins locally! Dale Ahlquist will present this night on how localism is key in "preserving faith, heritage, creativity, beauty and rational politics."
Come make connections, be fed, and be encouraged! February 20th at Holy Family Catholic Church; doors open at 5:00 PM. $15; free for students and clergy!
RSVP at sjbusinessguild.com
The general public is invited to the St. Joseph Business Guild’s next quarterly dinner meeting at Holy Family Catholic Church, on February 20th!
Dale Ahlquist is presenting on localism and its role in preserving all manner of good things and effecting real change!
Doors open at 5:00 PM. $15; free for students and clergy!
RSVP at sjbusinessguild.com