Promotional Copy
Long Version
Whether you're a novice or an expert this will be an experience unlike any other: bringing Catholic and/or sports enthusiasts together to bond, at one of the most premier facilities in the country: the Minnesota Horse and Hunt Club!
Sign up by Sept. 14th for the St. Joseph Business Guild's 1st Annual Sporting Clay Tournament on Sept. 20th!
Register as a parish team of four (4), or sign up individually (and be assigned to a team): $700 per team, $175 per individual! The winning team will receive a traveling trophy! Even if you can only attend the supper, which is an option, they'd still love to have you!
Tournament sign-up includes 12-gauge shells, beer, and a catered supper! Multiple teams from a parish may sign up!
The shoot starts at 2:30 PM!
Reserve your spot at!
Short Version
Reserve your spot by Sept 14th for the St. Joseph Business Guild’s 1st Annual Sporting Clay Tournament!
Register as a parish team of four (4), or sign up individually (and be assigned to a team): $700 per team, $175 per individual! Sign-up includes 12-gauge shells, beer, and a catered supper! Multiple teams from a parish may sign up and to the victors will go a traveling trophy!
The event will be Sept 20th at the Minnesota Horse and Hunt Club! The shoot starts at 2:30 PM! For more info, visit!